Libby SIM Lab
If I was given the opportunity to change anything from my SIM encounter from this morning, I would get creative and come up with better ways of probing her with questions for understanding. During the time frame I spent with Libby's mom, I repeatedly asked her if she understood and if the material I was presenting made sense. After a few times of being asked a question like that, it could be misinterpreted. When I concluded the conversation, I also almost forgot to hand her the visual form provided specifically for her. This was just nerves, however, I would be sure to pass that off to her in a more fluid manner next time.
Through this simulation lab, we were given several opportunities to demonstrate an attitude that we cared and empathize with the parent. It can be easily shown through positioning of your own body. I sat right beside the client and made sure she knew the conversation was open and two-sided. Another way to demonstrate care for Libby and her mother is background review. Pulling out information from a previous meeting and talking about it shows that you actually remember and it means enough to know about this behavior or characteristic. Letting the parent know that their opinion matters and if they don't like what they hear or have suggestions of their own, they can interject is important.
Moving forward, I will always try and take a vested interest in each client specifically according to what is important to them. I will also try and be as receptive as possible, even if I may not fully agree with what is being thrown at me. I will try and refer to more strengths of the client and not just her weakness or areas that need to be addressed through intervention. Overall, there are lots of lessons to be learned through this SIM and I am adding them all to my backpacker to use for future encounters and real-world experiences.
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